Why Mediation Works

Why Mediation Works

Why Mediation Works Mediation works!  It works because both spouses at the same time can realistically evaluate their positions and safely explore settlement options.  Mediation works in settling over 85% of the cases in which it is utilized – including cases where...
Splitting Our Stuff

Splitting Our Stuff

How do we split our stuff? (10 Tips on Property Settlement)   Divide your personal property without the help of your lawyer or the court. Unless domestic violence is involved, it’s not cost-effective to use lawyers or the court’s time to divide your furniture and...
The 3 Biggest Mistakes

The 3 Biggest Mistakes

The 3 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Getting a Divorce Following the well-intended advice of a friend or family member. Everybody has his or her own ‘legal’ opinion of how a divorce should end up. This is usually based on seeing how a friend’s or family member’s...