
DIVORCE Mediation Works

Why Mediation Works

Divorce mediation works for our clients with divorce and/or custody issues because it provides Perspective, Creativity, and a Level Playing Field.


Divorce Mediation involves each person sharing their issues, concerns, and perspectives with one another and an experienced mediator, in a safe environment.  The mediator helps the parties work together to create a solution that respects both of their perspectives, to the greatest degree possible


Our mediators bring to the table experience from hundreds of prior divorces. With that experience, we have seen dozens of options for resolving nearly every situation imaginable.  This allows us to brainstorm options to resolve conflicts that the couple might otherwise think are non-resolvable.

In addition, we as mediators are able to direct you to sources that can help solve many of the difficult issues which periodically arise in divorces, such as experts on tax, finance, mortgages, appraisals, and so forth, if YOU feel it would be beneficial to have their input.  This allows you to access the information you need today, to make decisions that will affect the rest of your lives.

Level Playing Field

This is probably the most overlooked, but critically important, area of mediation; there may be extreme anxiety and possible mistrust generated at the time of a divorce. Making sure that neither spouse overpowers the other with emotional or financial control is critical.

Good mediators are able to ascertain each person’s underlying interests, versus their positions, and address those interests while keeping the playing field level.

No one wants or likes to be taken advantage of. It is a mediator’s responsibility to help make sure both parties are fair and equitable with the other. Having a good mediator helps ensure this occurs.

We like to know about the children. What ages they are, what activities are they involved in, have they been informed about the impending divorce? With the questions that are asked, we are better able to be of service in each area you need to address. For example, if we find that one of the children has a learning disability, we are better able to address that issue in the parenting plan and make sure that those needs are considered and accommodations provided.

We are acutely aware of body language. We intently listen to and watch verbal and non-verbal clues that may need to be brought out and addressed.  For instance, if we are discussing alimony, we will watch and listen closely to each party to determine the level of willingness or unwillingness to address the issue. Perhaps there appears to be no resistance on the part of the husband to paying alimony, but when an amount is mentioned that exceeds his expectations, he may be hesitant to verbalize his feelings, for fear of polarizing his wife. He might then become uneasy and say “I don’t know how I can even pay rent now.”

At that point, we will often call a caucus. This is where we ask for a break to visit with each spouse individually. This is a time when we can further discuss your options and clarify each party’s expectations, fears, and what might be practical and realistic.  The mediator has the ability to handle all the aspects and dynamics of a mediation session, so that you can resolve the current stress and conflict in your life and move on to a brighter tomorrow.

Written by Master Mediators of The Divorce Mediation Institute of Utah
Helping people throughout Utah.

How Mediation Works

Working It Out: Mediation Brings Peace to Conflict

When we think of the term “conflict” we come to any number of ideas on what it may look and feel like. To some, conflict means an argument with a spouse, or the thought of having to give another lecture on the rules of the house to a teenager. To others it means a disagreement between employees and management, or an individual who feels that they have been wronged by a business or a government agency. Whatever form conflict takes, we can be sure to find plenty of it in our modern society. Whenever we turn on the television we can find any number of dramatized examples of conflict—what forms it can take, and how it is resolved.

Conflict is an everyday part of life. Whatever conflict we might find can either be destructive or creative, positive or negative. It can be the spur toward growth and self-realization, or it can tear us apart and drown us in emotion. Conflict can be a positive force for social change, or it can serve to further polarize people into factions. So, what makes the difference between conflict as a positive force, and conflict as a negative force? What is the secret? Well, it’s all in the approach and how we manage our own involvement in the process.


When communication breaks down between people and both sides make a heavy investment to gain a certain outcome, then that conflict has graduated to the level of a dispute. What happens when you are absolutely sure you are right, and the other party is wrong? What happens when they feel the same way about their position? Where do you go from there? There are really two simple approaches to dispute resolution:  the adversarial approach, or the collaborative approach.

In the realm of conflict management, the adversarial way to dispute resolution is considered the “traditional” approach. The adversarial way is positioning yourself to “win” a disagreement, dispute or contest. One party is victorious, at the expense of the other. This is the way most of us have become familiar with how conflict is resolved, and it tends to bring out the worst in folks.

Most people want to resolve their dispute with the ever so famous words “I am taking you to court,” this has become our war cry, so to speak. We are not gentle enough with each other; there just isn’t any slack. We think we know people’s thoughts and intentions, but we rarely do. At some point or another, we have all felt the personal sting that conflict brings – both emotionally and financially. In the realm of a contested court process, the emotional and financial cost can be great.


Many are trending from the adversarial approach to a more collaborative method; a trend towards conflict management that engages both parties involved in the dispute to find a mutually beneficial agreement. This collaborative approach to conflict management is characterized by both parties involved agreeing to sit down together to separate themselves from the problem or issue, set aside their ideas of what a “win” might be, and communicate what their real needs are. This way helps those involved focus on their real needs, with the hope of walking away from the process having met those needs. This collaborative way is possible, and it works.

Mediation is the collaborative way.  It is a “CONFLICT RESOLUTION PROCESS” in which a third-party helper (the mediator) facilitates the problem-solving process between disputing parties.  This gives both parties a way to engage in conflict without being destructive; a way that is less costly to our emotions and bank accounts. This then becomes an alternative to the traditional adversarial way.

“As long as a safe environment can be created for BOTH sides, mediation can happen at any point in time in a dispute. As people become more familiar with how mediation works, they feel it becomes more empowering and less destructive than fighting it out in court. It’s a process where they make their own agreements, instead of having someone else’s forced onto them.” 

– quoted by Nancy McGahey, Utah Dispute Resolution

A growing body of research shows the effectiveness of mediation in dispute resolution. Mediation is exponentially less costly than involvement in a court process, and the agreements made between the disputants are more lasting.  Because of this, our social institutions and a growing number of businesses are mandating involvement in mediation to resolve disputes.  Similarly, “Our courts have implemented mediation programs that have seen a huge amount of success, and our judges are increasingly referring people to mediation as part of their dispute process.”  Nancy McGahey, Utah Dispute Resolution


First, we need to understand what mediation is not. The mediator has no power to decide disputed issues for the parties. The process of mediation is not a substitute for independent legal advice. The mediator does not give legal advice as part of the mediation process. You can, and should, have your agreements reviewed by legal counsel to ensure that you reach a reasonably informed agreement. Mediation is not advocacy, and the mediator will not take sides. The mediator will not champion the interests of any party over another in the mediation nor in any court or other proceeding.

Now, we can come to what mediation is and how a mediator works. Fundamentally, mediation is a voluntary process. Either party can drop out of negotiations at any time. Therefore, willingness is the key to a successful process.

The mediator will ask specific questions to find out what the parties’ needs are. When both parties begin to hear each other’s sides then they get a better picture of what needs to happen. At that point, the mediator helps both sides brainstorm and create options. The agreement is for the parties to decide. The mediator can ask the right questions to get an agreement built that is practical and law-abiding. The sooner mediation can be brought into play to get to a settlement, the better off the couple will be.

“Mediation has proven to move conflict from the realm of destroyer into the realm of HEALER!”
– Dr. Christina Durham, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Mediator

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Helping clients in Utah for over 25 years.

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Suite 201
Salt Lake City, Utah 84047

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