

  • www.acrnet.org
    Association for Conflict Resolution. This is the national organization that certifies family mediators and ensures they are meeting a certain level of professional conduct in their practice.
  • www.divorcehq.com
    Divorce Headquarters. This has many good articles and information about divorce
  • www.divorcenet.com
    Divorce Net. Another good site for information and ideas
  • www.divorcemag.com
    Divorce Magazine. This is an interesting site that has many examples of divorce situations that might help a person getting a divorce.
  • www.mediate.com
    Mediate.com. One of the better sites for divorce information. A great referral site if you are looking for a mediator or other divorce professionals. Highly recommended site!
  • www.kbb.com
    This is the Kelly Blue book site. Get the ‘blue book’ value of your current vehicles.

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